Ethiopia at a glimpse

Ethiopia or some time known by another name known as Abyssinia is an ancient land with a long history traced back as far beyond as 5000 or more years. Archaeological and Paleontological studies testified the country’s history to 4 million years and above. Based on written documents, the history of Ethiopia started in the most part of 8 CBC (Before Christ), which was during the state of Damat that was followed by the Aksumite Empire. While, legend attributes that the time depth of Ethiopia’s history to the time of Queen of Sheba and king Solomon of Israel who both ruled their Kingdoms in the 10th CBC (Before Christ). The Son of the two elites, know as Menillik the 1st said to have established the longest Solomonic dynasty lasted in 1974.

Ethiopia is also known for natural and cultural diversifications, which are unique to the world. The chain of Simen Mountains with its mind-blowing scenic beauty and stunning landscape hosts the maximum endemism: – such as Waliya Ibex, Menilik’s Bush-back, Ethiopian wolf and Gelada Baboons. Mount Dashen/ Dejen (4543mas), the highest peak in the country and the 4th highest peak in Africa stand in the Northern periphery. The rift valley region of Ethiopia by far the most is the unique part of the county’s geography hosting cultural, archeological, paleontological and natural mysteries. Ertale, an active volcanic crater and Danakil depression, one of the lowest points on earth’s’ surface are all marked within this landmass. In addition, the rift valley system is a pioneer in human evolutionary processes that embraces fossils of ancient hominids. Lucy, locally known, as Dinknesh 3.2 myo and baby Selam 4.4 myo are some of the very few age-old humans remains discovered at Hadar Archeological site in Afar region. Parks and lakes are also abundantly existed in this rift system.

The Omo valley region is another most culturally vibrant place where the real face of Africa is experiencing. About more than 20 ethnic groups who are still intact with their own indigenous way of life are living with in this territory. To mention but few are Mursi, Hammer, Karoo, Bena, Tsemay, Dassanech, Bume, Surma, Konso, Erbore and so on. In General, Ethiopia is considered to be as one of the best tourist destinations in the world where one can find almost all kinds of attractions in a single holiday.

Ethiopia is also known for natural and cultural diversifications, which are unique to the world. The chain of Simen Mountains with its mind-blowing scenic beauty and stunning landscape hosts the maximum endemism: – such as Waliya Ibex, Menilik’s Bush-back, Ethiopian wolf and Gelada Baboons. Mount Dashen/ Dejen (4543mas), the highest peak in the country and the 4th highest peak in Africa stand in the Northern periphery. The rift valley region of Ethiopia by far the most is the unique part of the county’s geography hosting cultural, archeological, paleontological and natural mysteries. Ertale, an active volcanic crater and Danakil depression, one of the lowest points on earth’s’ surface are all marked within this landmass. In addition, the rift valley system is a pioneer in human evolutionary processes that embraces fossils of ancient hominids. Lucy, locally known, as Dinknesh 3.2 myo and baby Selam 4.4 myo are some of the very few age-old humans remains discovered at Hadar Archeological site in Afar region. Parks and lakes are also abundantly existed in this rift system.

The Omo valley region is another most culturally vibrant place where the real face of Africa is experiencing. About more than 20 ethnic groups who are still intact with their own indigenous way of life are living with in this territory. To mention but few are Mursi, Hammer, Karoo, Bena, Tsemay, Dassanech, Bume, Surma, Konso, Erbore and so on. In General, Ethiopia is considered to be as one of the best tourist destinations in the world where one can find almost all kinds of attractions in a single holiday.